Many business owners believe that not having any online presence will work just fine, however, a well-designed website can help your business reach more customers and generate more clientele. While small business web design in Washington, D.C. does come at a cost, it’s truly an investment in the success of your business.
Ahead, we’ll guide you through the benefits you’ll receive by providing your potential customers with an easy way to find you, an intuitive web design that showcases what makes your business unique, and gives your business credibility.
You Can Easily Make More Money by Attracting Leads with a Website
About 81% of consumers research a service or business online before making a purchase decision. This means that businesses that don’t have a website are missing out on this share of the market. You may be thinking that, as a small business owner, perhaps you’re only just starting out and you can’t really afford professional web design at this stage. The truth is a small business website doesn’t have to cost a fortune and it can not only help your business grow but deliver a fantastic return on your investment by delivering leads.
It’s also worth considering that with the large cost of more traditional advertising, be it through newspaper ads, radio, or even networking events, having a website to promote your business really is the most cost-effective way of getting your business in front of potential customers.
A Website Can Bring your Business Instant Credibility
With more and more people than ever searching for everything they want online, whether it’s just information for a restaurant’s hours or answers to general questions, you can be sure that potential customers want information quickly. If you don’t have a website for your business, your potential customers will quickly find someone else who does.
With a website for your business, you can not only provide your potential customers with all the information that they’re looking for about your products or services, but it will also give your business brand awareness and credibility.
You Can Keep Your Customers Up-to-Date
Before digital marketing became a major influence in the business world, we had brochures or direct mail to keep clients and customers informed on the latest products, services, and trends. Today, a website is the modern alternative, only much more efficient on spreading the news. A small business website can be quickly and easily updated with any important information regarding your products and services, events at your business, promotions, and more. Whereas print ads, flyers or newspaper articles will quickly become outdated, websites can be continuously updated. Any potential mistakes that may have been made can be rectified at the click of a button.
It is also important to consider how there are endless possibilities that now that we live in a world of YouTube videos, eBooks, podcasts, webinars, and more, the possibilities are endless when looking for unique ways to showcase any skills, products, services, or courses your business offers. Social media integration is a key tool to take advantage of too, enabling you to share information across much wider channels and reach a greater audience.
You Can Easily Target a Much Wider Audience with a Good Web Design
Anyone in the world can access a website — from anywhere in the world. By investing in website design, you can be sure you’re targeting the widest audience possible, including potential customers that will never be reached. In addition to print ads and traditional forms of marketing, having a functional and aesthetically pleasing design can make all the difference.
If you sell physical products, an eCommerce website can offer a location from which to sell your products to an unlimited market. If you have a brick-and-mortar store based in Manhattan, you can’t expect anyone from San Francisco to just pop in.
Service-based businesses can have a lot to offer globally through a website too. With so many amazing, affordable ways for us to communicate with one another all around the globe, there’s nothing to get in the way of doing business with anyone, anywhere and at any time. With a website, your business will be much more able to attract and generate business with clients all around the world.
Websites are Accessible 24/7
This is a no brainer. While any brick-and-mortar store will have to close at some point, your website can stay up and running all day, all night, and all year. Both regular and potential customers are provided with the convenience of being able to research and review your products and services when your store or office is closed. With myriad possibilities with regards to interactive features and add-ons, visitors will be able to contact you, schedule appointments, sign up for courses and events, or even shop directly through your site at any time.
With everyone rushing around with their busy lifestyles in today’s society, this is a great opportunity to offer your customers the convenience they’re looking for and help them make the decision to purchase your goods or services.
Great Website Design Showcases Your Work
Whether you’re a restaurant or an artist, there’s no better platform available than a website to showcase what your business does best. With the addition of a portfolio, image galleries, videos, or even testimonials, you can truly lay out and demonstrate just what sets you and your business apart from all the rest.
Many people today are using social media platforms such as Pinterest, Facebook, or Instagram, for example, to host and showcase their work in Washington, D.C.. With social media channels such as these though, images have to be compromised by the compression tools built into the platforms. On top of this, Facebook and other social media platforms are in charge of just how many people can get to see and interact with your posts, and that can make matters tough.
By investing in web design in Washington, D.C. for your business instead of relying on a social media platform, you can be in control of what people see, what and how they interact with the information they are given, and the overall quality and size of the pictures you decide to put up. It’s also a little known fact that in the majority of cases, once your work has been posted to a social media site, you relinquish the rights to those photos. At some point down the line, they could be used without your knowledge in a sponsored ad or two.