Lead Generation2023-05-07T22:11:33+00:00

Pay Only for Qualified Leads

Pay Only for Qualified Leads

Fuel Your Sales Funnel with High-Quality Leads

Fuel Your Sales Funnel with High-Quality Leads

Your premier partner in lead generation.

Lead Generation Program

Google Local Services Ads Management

Achieve maximum results with Pay-Per-Lead optimization.

  • Establish your business profile and obtain your verification badge.
  • Establish your business profile and obtain your verification badge.
  • Get calls from local leads

Elevate your local business to the highest rank in Google search results.

Our team of service experts can enhance the performance of your local ads campaign, as Google Local Services Ads are pay-per-lead ads that display above traditional Google Ads and organic search results.

info 7

Web and mobile development

Vulputate gravida nibh egestas.

We are a full-service digital company

Mauris purus maecenas purus, aliquet lacus varius. Proin venenatis vel cras phasellus condimentum.

Frequently asked questions

Is my industry eligible for Local Services Ads?2023-05-07T21:58:16+00:00

Google is continuing to increase the number of eligible industries since the service’s launch. As of today, Google fully supports Local Services Ads for the following industries:

  • Air Duct Cleaner
  • Appliance Repair Service
  • Auto Glass Service
  • Auto Service Technician
  • Carpet Cleaner
  • Electricians
  • Event Planner
  • Garage Door
  • HVAC
  • Handyman
  • Home Improvement
  • House Cleaner
  • Junk Removal Provider
  • Lawn Care Provider
  • Locksmiths
  • Mover
  • Painter
  • Pest Control
  • Technician
  • Pet Care Provider
  • Pet Groomer
  • Photographer
  • Plumbers
  • Roadside Assistance Service
  • Roofer
  • Tree Service Provider
  • Tutor
  • Upholstery Cleaner
  • Water Damage
  • Service Provider
  • Window Cleaner
  • Window Service Provider
What about my ad budget?2023-05-07T21:58:54+00:00

Your ad budget will depend on your industry, competition, timeline, and goals. It will be paid directly to Google and won’t be invoiced by Pronto. For Local Services Ads, we recommend at least $2,000/m. There is some flexibility around this so if you’d like to start with a smaller budget, just let us know.

What counts as a qualified lead?2023-05-07T22:00:18+00:00

Local service ads use information from your Google My Business listing to show key information about your service, including your review score and phone number.

A qualified lead is decided when a direct call is made to your business via the local service ad.

How can I keep track of my campaign performance?2023-05-07T21:59:42+00:00

Each month we’ll send you a detailed report with information on your leads.

Do you guarantee leads?2023-05-07T22:00:40+00:00

We can’t make any promises about how many leads you’ll receive. That said, our goal is to drive qualified traffic to your verified business profile, and you’ll ultimately be charged by Google based on the number of leads you’ll get.

If clients are charged for leads that are spam or incorrectly routed, we can dispute them on behalf of our client with Google.

info 7

Web and mobile development

Vulputate gravida nibh egestas.

We are a full-service digital company

Mauris purus maecenas purus, aliquet lacus varius. Proin venenatis vel cras phasellus condimentum.

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